* NEXT SUPPORT GROUP – THURSDAY 6th February 2025*
Join us on the first Thursday of the month at the Wessex Cancer Trust Support Centre in Lugley Street, Newport from 6-7pm.
Our support group is open to anyone who has been affected by a brain tumour, whether you are a patient, a family member, a friend or a carer. All are welcome.
We aim to provide a confidential and supportive environment where patients, family members and carers can come along for an informal chat, advice from a qualified counsellor, share their own experiences or simply to have a cup of coffee and take time out.
Please contact us for further information.
In most cases if you are reading this; you or a loved one may have just been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment or are living with the effects of a brain tumour
Living with a brain tumour is a challenge. It can challenge you as the patient, challenge your loved ones and challenge how you continue to live your life.
There are over 120 different types of brain tumour. Unsurprisingly the impact of each varies hugely and even the impact of the same tumour type varies significantly from one person to another.
We know that a brain tumour diagnosis is overwhelming, confusing and isolating. We know how challenging it is to find the information you need to understand your options, to take the best pathway for you and access the support you need to help you make that journey. We know what it’s like because we’ve been there too!
We look forward to seeing you.